How to Get University Canada West Scholarships in Canada


The good news is here! You can chase your dream to Canada. Canada has been a wonderful country for many lives since the beginning of the transition years for the country. The state of the economy of the country has changed from a bad state to the best state over the past couple of years, especially the education system. The University Canada west scholarship in Canada is a well funded scholarship program for only international students i.e foreign students who have come to study in the country. In this article, we will explain all the small and big details you need to know about university Canada west scholarship, the eligibility criteria and requirements, the benefits and the advantages of the university Canada west scholarship.

The Overview of University Canada West Scholarship

The University Canada West scholarship is aimed at attracting the best International students who are either undergraduates or postgraduates students of a Canadian Institution. The amount of the scholarship every year is around $10,000 for undergraduate and for postgraduate is around $20,000. This sum of money is a lot and can cover a lot of expenses regarding the tuition fees of the student. It will ease the financial stress and constraints on the students, allowing them to do his/her academics on a full strength.


The scholarship is meant for those who can show that they have an excellent academic background, skills and abilities to prove that they are never an average student. The International students leader’s award is only available to those who are international students and have displayed sufficient leadership qualities and skills.  Even though every international student has to engage more deeply in their study to qualify for the leaders award. The award is for a particular international student who is not from the USA and is willing to improve their country’s economic health.

Tips about University Canada West Scholarship

Below are the key things you should know about university Canada west scholarship:

  • The required Level of study: The university Canada west scholarship is for y students who are already in their undergraduate study or postgraduates study, preferred level is master.
  • Institution of study: Your institution of study has to be the university Canada west.
  • Place of Study: It has to be in Canada.
  • Period of Program of study: The period of study for an undergraduate program should be four years only and the postgraduates (masters) should be two years.
  • Offered Courses: Courses mostly considered for school are MBA, commerce, Arts, Business communication, etc.
  • Scholarship Coverage: The university Canada west scholarship amounts for a large amount of money for students especially those who have a long years of study. But it depends largely on this tier division, which are:

Tier 1:

  • $10,000 is for the undergraduate associate of Arts Degree.
  • $20,000 is for the Undergraduate Degree of commmerce and business communication
  • A sum of $10,000 is also for MBA students only.

Tier 2

The university Canada west scholarship for this division is relatively small compared to the upper hand.

  • $4,0000 for undergraduate associates of arts degree
  • $8,000 for undergraduate degree of commerce and business communication
  • $5,000 for an MBS course.

The Eligibility Criteria and Requirements for University Canada West Scholarship

Not everyone can apply for university Canada west scholarship because not everyone can meet up or fulfil the requirements of the scholarship but every applicants willing to earn the university Canada west scholarship must be able to meet with all the requirements, which includes:

  1. Language Proficiency: Every applicant must be able to speak English language fluently. They must be able to write, talk and read English very well. Even though the country speaks both English and French, the required language is English.
  2. National eligibility for every applicant: Every nationals are eligible to participate in the scholarship application process. The university does not limit anyone’s participation in the scholarship application.
  3. Level of study: Firstly, the two categories of study is the undergraduate and postgraduate. The applicants must have already enrolled in the university and started their education with the university.
  4. Academic requirements: Every applicant must meet up with the minimum requirements for academics to enter into the university Canada west scholarship.
  5. Scholarship Requisition: The amount credited for scholarship depends largely on the strength and quality of the applicant’s personal statements. This is an open call for you to write your personal statement to the best of your ability. Because it will be used to screen the level of commitment and dedication of the student to the university.
  6. Law Abiding and Obedience to rules: Every applicants will also be screened according to their level of obedience to the laws and rules of the university environment.

How to Apply for the University Canada West Scholarship

To apply for the university Canada west scholarship, you will need to follow all the necessary steps and apply accordingly. Here are the steps involved in the application process, which includes:

  1. Check the eligibility criteria and apply requirements: To apply for the scholarship, you must check all the requirements set down by the university authorities. All applicants must either be an undergraduate or postgraduates student and must demonstrate a good academic grade at least above 3.5GPA score.
  2. Collect a Form: After the necessary confirmation of all eligibility criteria and requirements, it is now not expected of you to collect a scholarship form from the university authority and register your name officially among the applicants.
  3. Fill the form and submit accordingly: It does matter for you to fill the form, providing all the required details like personal information, ID numbers and vital information. You will need to check and recheck again  for any errors, misspellings of names or wrong submission of forms. You will have to submit the forms after you have finally received the form before submission. If you are also applying for the university leadership awards, you will need to collect the forms as well, fill the form accordingly and submit simultaneously along with the university scholarship form.
  4. Submitting a Personal statement: Most applicants usually neglect this part of the application process and think it is not important whereas it is very important as the application form itself. A personal statement you will submit will include the description of your program, your career goals, education development plans, and personal goals. However you should know well that your decision on the above will affect your journey in the long run in your stay in Canada. It will go ahead to influence who you are going to be and how you are going to do after your study.

You can visit the official website of the university here.

Things you need to know About University Canada West Scholarship

The University Canada west scholarship is not only the scholarship available for the students of the University. Other scholarships are available for application like: entrance scholarship for academic excellence, International students leaders award, live our vision of education (LOVE), Special target regional award, etc. These scholarships are available for specific students. The entrance scholarship for academic excellence is mainly for students who have a better grade of at least above 2.67 GPA score. Every student at each level of study is eligible for the scholarship i.e at the undergraduate level, postgraduates level, and master’s level. For University Canada west scholarship, you must submit your application as early as possible at least before the entrance award application expires. You should also know that as a student of University Canada west scholarship, you are only entitled to one scholarship or grants at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I apply for another University Scholarship in Canada?

You can only apply to other university scholarships or grants if you meet the eligibility criteria and requirements. It only get better if the scholarship does not require you to be a student of that university

  • Who can apply for a University Canada scholarship?

The only individuals in this category are the only eligible applicants who are eligible to apply for this scholarship. These include; undergraduate and postgraduate students i.e those who are active students of the university

  • Can I apply for more than one scholarship in the University Canada west?

No, every student is only eligible for one scholarship at a time. You can only get one scholarship or grant at a time.


Applying for any available scholarship as a student, will go a long way to ease your academic journey and pave the way for you. Education sometimes can be so expensive and other costs of living may burden the educational cost and result in failure to complete your education. For any scholarship opportunity available in your school, it’s better you grab any opportunity you can to ease your journey.  University Canada west scholarship is for undergraduate and postgraduates in the institution who are currently enrolled  in the current academic year. You can apply as soon as possible when you see the posters or information banners about the application open for everyone.
