Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships

Studying abroad is a dream for many students, providing a chance to gain new perspectives, learn different cultures, and immerse themselves in an international academic environment. However, the financial hurdles can often be a significant barrier to achieving these aspirations. This is where scholarships like the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (FSS) come in to provide support for students pursuing research opportunities abroad.

The Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships, offered through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), aim to help Canadian students in the natural sciences and engineering fields gain international research experience. The scholarship supports students currently holding an NSERC scholarship to study or conduct research outside of Canada.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships, exploring the scholarship’s purpose, eligibility requirements, application process, and tips for a successful application. We will also discuss the benefits of receiving the scholarship and how it can impact a student’s academic and professional journey.

Overview of the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships

The Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships provide Canadian students with funding to support their international study or research in the fields of natural sciences and engineering. Named in honor of Dr. Michael Smith, a Canadian Nobel laureate and renowned biochemist, the scholarship is administered by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

These scholarships provide financial assistance to NSERC scholarship recipients who are currently pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree and want to conduct part of their research abroad. This opportunity can be invaluable in expanding a student’s research scope, accessing specialized resources, and establishing professional connections at international institutions.

Eligibility Criteria

The Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships are open to Canadian students who meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Residency: Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
  2. NSERC Scholarship Recipient: Students must currently hold an active NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) or Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) at the master’s or doctoral level.
  3. Research Abroad: Applicants must plan to conduct research outside of Canada as part of their current research project.
  4. Approved Host Institution: Students must have secured an invitation from an international host institution, university, or research laboratory where they will conduct their research.
  5. Duration of Study: The international research experience must last a minimum of two months.
  6. Academic Standing: Students must maintain good academic standing throughout their studies.

Application Process

The application process for the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships involves several steps, from preparation to submission and notification of the scholarship decision. Here’s how to navigate the application process:

1. Research and Plan Your International Experience

Begin by researching potential host institutions and projects that align with your current research interests. Establish communication with potential hosts and secure an invitation to join their research group or institution. Ensure your planned international research aligns with your current research project.

2. Prepare the Application

Your application should include the following components:

  • Research Plan: Clearly outline your research objectives, methods, and goals for the international experience. Explain how the experience will benefit your research and contribute to your academic and professional growth.
  • Invitation Letter: Obtain a formal invitation letter from your international research host. This letter should confirm your research project, dates of your stay, and any agreed-upon collaboration.
  • Budget Plan: Prepare a detailed budget plan covering travel, accommodation, and living expenses during your stay abroad.

3. Submit the Application

Applications for the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships must be submitted online through the NSERC website. Be sure to follow the application guidelines carefully and include all required documents.

4. Await Decision

After submission, NSERC will review your application and notify you of the decision. Successful applicants receive a grant of up to $6,000 to cover travel and living expenses while abroad.

Benefits of the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships

1. Financial Support

The scholarship provides up to $6,000 to help cover travel and living expenses during your time abroad. This financial support can ease the burden of studying in a different country and help you focus on your research.

2. Access to International Research Opportunities

By providing funding for international research, the scholarship allows students to access unique opportunities and resources that may not be available in Canada.

3. Global Networking

Studying abroad gives students the chance to collaborate with leading researchers and institutions around the world. Building these professional relationships can lead to future collaborations and career opportunities.

4. Research Enhancement

Exposure to different research methodologies and techniques can enhance the quality and scope of your research project. International research experience can provide fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to your work.

5. Cultural and Personal Growth

Living and working in a different country can broaden your worldview, strengthen your adaptability, and enhance your cross-cultural communication skills. These experiences contribute to your personal growth and professional development.

Tips for a Successful Application

To maximize your chances of receiving the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarship, follow these tips:

1. Plan Ahead

Start planning your international research experience well in advance. Research potential host institutions and establish communication with researchers in your field.

2. Choose the Right Host

Select a research host and institution that aligns with your academic and research goals. Look for opportunities that complement your existing research project.

3. Clearly Define Your Research Plan

Your research plan should clearly outline your research goals and objectives for your time abroad. Explain how the international experience will contribute to your research and overall academic growth.

4. Demonstrate Your Achievements

Highlight your academic achievements, research experience, and contributions to your field in your application. Showcase how the international experience will help you achieve your goals.

5. Communicate with Your Host

Stay in communication with your research host throughout the application process. Ensure you have a clear understanding of the expectations, goals, and objectives for your time abroad.

6. Review and Follow Application Guidelines

Carefully review the application guidelines provided by NSERC. Make sure you submit all required documents and information accurately and completely.


The Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships offer Canadian students in the natural sciences and engineering fields an invaluable opportunity to gain international research experience. By providing financial support for travel and living expenses, the scholarship helps students access new research opportunities, enhance their academic work, and expand their professional networks.

If you meet the eligibility criteria and are interested in pursuing international research, the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarship is a resource worth exploring. Take the time to carefully prepare your application, establish strong connections with international research hosts, and articulate how the experience will benefit your academic and professional goals.

Studying abroad can be a transformative experience, both academically and personally. By taking advantage of the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Scholarships, you can embark on an exciting journey of discovery, growth, and innovation in your chosen field. Good luck with your application and your future research endeavors!

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